BETH MASON IS A LEADER - From co-founding the Historic Hudson Street Coalition, to rebuilding the Hoboken Branch of the League of Women Voters, to championing community based master planning, Beth has worked to bring the Hoboken community together. Under her leadership the HHSC grew to 50 members, old residents and new, and even students from Stevens. Their most notable success was successfully protecting the scale of development surrounding Castle Point Terrace and Hudson Street, while providing for Stevens' parking needs off-street.
BETH MASON WILL VOTE TO BAN 'PAY TO PLAY' - the costly practice of giving padded city contracts to political contributors. DelBoccio opposes a ban on 'pay-to-play'. He has to - his team has raised $751,000 - before this month's $1,000 plate fundraiser - mostly in vendor and developer contributions.
BETH MASON FIGHTS FOR SMART GROWTH - As the Mayor's designee to the Planning Board, she chaired the Master Plan sub-committee and conceived the Master Plan process. She championed bringing the Planning Board up to State standards, e.g. by shifting costs for planning professionals from taxpayers to developers through increased development fees and escrows. When the mayor stalled real change, she resigned in protest rather than 'cover-up' for cronyism, incompetence, and bad planning.
BETH MASON IS NOT A PROFESSIONAL POLITICIAN - Councilman DelBoccio is a "nice" guy who may do you a favor to help you live with a broken system but his hands are tied by his financial backers regarding real change. Beth Mason has, and will, make change so you don't need favors.
BETH MASON IS INVOLVED IN HOBOKEN - with her husband Ricky since 1984. As Trustee of the Hoboken Historic Museum, long-time member of the Quality of Life Coalition, participant in the Hoboken House Tour, supporter of local schools and the Jubilee Center.
"Richard DelBoccio is already working for the Politicians
and the Contributors.
The 2nd Ward needs someone to work for US."
Beth Mason for City Council 2nd Ward
The Second Ward Needs Beth Mason
912 Hudson Street
Hoboken, NJ
June 6, 2003
Dear Neighbor:
Four years ago, when Councilman Richard DelBoccio ran for council with Mayor Russo's help, he'd tell you whatever Mayor Russo did was good, and whatever David Roberts did was bad. Now, as Mayor Roberts claims credit for the accomplishments of the Russo Administration (Pier A, the funding for Pier C, the Midtown Garage, even the 916 Garden Garage) DelBoccio joins in blaming Russo himself for every evil under the sun.
Does Councilman DelBoccio explain why he now rejects Russo and supports David Roberts? Not at all. He talks instead about a 'lifetime comitment to public service.' He never talks about the real reason - money.
When Roberts ran for Mayor he attacked Russo for 'selling out' to city vendors and real estate interests. But after just two years in office, Roberts is on his way to breaking Russo's records. Hoboken United has raised over $751,000 - mostly from developers and city vendors - and continues give no bid city contracts to big contributors, even when they face allegations of bribery and public corruption.
Councilman BelBoccio has just 'followed the money' that pays for his campaigns; in return he supports whoever is in power when he gives favors, contracts, and jobs to those contributors. In this way Councilman DelBoccio can stay in office, without even reading his campaign literature (as he has claimed on May 8 in a public debate) and Mayor Roberts gets a "politician who will give him a vote when he needs it." (Hoboken Reporter - March 9, 2003).
We deserve better. I running to represent the entire 2nd Ward, NOT Mayor Roberts, and the once shadowy figures -- now bing paraded through the newspapers -- paying for his campaign. I have and will work with him when he acts to improve our quality of life. I have and will oppose him when he puts private interest above that of the public. I will work to represent everyone in the 2nd Ward, and I ask for your support.
See you at the polls,
Elizabeth Mason
Hoboken Alliance for Accountable Government
409 Washington Street
PMB 382, Hoboken, NJ 07030
To get involved, call (201) 420-6600