On June 10, with your vote, you can change the way Hoboken’s government works. You can elect an independent advocate for the First Ward who is not affiliated with either Mayor Roberts or former Mayor Russo’s camps.
As councilman, I will fight to improve our quality of life in the First Ward and restore fiscal responsibility to our city’s government. I will work to reduce night noise and rowdiness, insist that construction sites are silent until 7:00 AM, and ensure that our pedestrian crossing are free of parked cars and that pedestrians do indeed have the right of way. I will demand that we learn from NYC and reduce our spending before taxes are forced up, ban the concept of pay-to-play in which vendors and developers are contribute to political machines in order obtain city jobs.
I will represent the people of the First Ward, not just the politicians or their contributors. I will represent the will of the First Ward, not work to overturn it in the courts and in resolutions. I can say that because I don’t depend on their money, I depend on your votes.
Please make your voice count on June 10, polls open 6:00AM-8:00PM.
You can read more about me at www.HobokenAlliance.com or by email me at ron@HobokenAlliance.com