Councilman Nino GIACCHI
A Life Long Commitment to the 6th Ward

Dear Neighbor:

For nearly the past two years I have had the honor and privilege to serve you as your Councilman in the Sixth Ward. This ward is a special place and, as a lifelong Hoboken resident with deep roots in the community, I would like to ask for your support on June 10th's runoff election for City Council.

For those who don't know me, I am a husband and father of three young children. My parents immigrated to Hoboken in the late 1950's, and they established a barber shop on Washington street. My mother and grandmother after all these years still call Hoboken home. I am an attorney and homeowner and I am keenly aware of the issues facing ward residents.

Since taking office on July 1, 2001, I have worked closely with Mayor David Roberts and the Hoboken United team on implementing a multi-pronged plan to improve the quality of life for city residents.  In the Sixth Ward, that especially means working on solutions to solve our parking problems, improve and expand our parks and open spaces, keep taxes stable, and prevent over development in our residential neighborhoods.

I have tried to be proactive on all these issues. To reach these specific goals, I along with the Roberts administration, worked to implement Hoboken's residential only parking legislation to free up valuable parking spots along our streets. I voted for legislation reducing the density in residential zones, and strongly advocated much needed improvements to Church Square Park and Little League field.

Additionally, I have helped initiate renovations to our Public Library and assisted in the opening of the Stevens Co-op School on Third and Bloomfield streets.

We have made some substantial strides in a short period of time, but there is much more work to be done. That is why I am asking for your support on Tuesday, June 10th.

I hope you share these goals and support my efforts, and a commitment to the sixth ward. Keeping the sixth ward a wonderful place to live, raise a family, and call HOME.

If you have any questions or comments, please call me at 201-420-1110.


Councilman Nino Giacchi