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Fellow Citizens of Hoboken:

The Hoboken Citizens Organization (HCO) is sponsoring a Forum for Candidates who are running in the June 10, 2003 Ward Council Run-Off Elections.  Below are links to statements from the eight candidates that are running for four Ward Council seats.

We encourage voters to read the statement of each and every candidate on their sample ballots in order to have a basis for comparison and for an informed choice on election day.  We also encourage voters to visit candidates' websites and/or to contact the candidates themselves for more information.  We suggest that the candidates to use their own websites and other platforms to respond to (and challenge if necessary) any information or claims made by their opponents, so that the voters will be able to have access to such responses and challenges as they further educate themselves on the candidates and issues.

Before you access the candidates' statements, please read the following:

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The Hoboken Citizens Organization sponsored Candidates' Forum is intended to be a neutral forum in which candidates' statements are being posted without commentary or endorsement.  The Hoboken Citizens Organization is providing this Candidates' Forum as a public service to the citizens of Hoboken.  We cannot and do not attest to or guarantee the accuracy or truthfulness of any statement included herein.

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Cheryl Fallick
Alice C. Misiewicz
Daniel Tumpson

Hoboken Citizens Organization

phone:  201-217-3456
e-mail:  symbitar@aol.com



First Ward Candidates:

Theresa Castellano
Ron Rosenberg

Second Ward Candidates:

Richard Del Boccio
Elizabeth Mason

Third Ward Candidates:

Rosanne Andreula
Anthony Russo

Sixth Ward Candidates:

Daniel de Cavaignac
Nino Giacchi
